What a lovely surprise it was to receive a text message from an old friend on Tuesday (had to do the “who ‘dis?” response). She was congratulating me on being named Best of Phoenix. For a moment, I thought maybe she had just seen an issue of last year’s Phoenix Magazine “Best of the Valley.” But then she sent me a link to Phoenix New Times naming the Phoenix Cactus Map as the Best Cactus Map!
I know you’re probably thinking…how many other cactus maps are there out there? Well, hopefully, either none or maybe just a few. Also, if they DO exist, I totally want to see them and buy them for myself! Wouldn’t it be great to have a wall of cactus maps??
I have to admit, I was feeling a little down on myself this past week. Meditation ensued to remind myself that I don’t have to be a superstar, I just have to be me. And sometimes that means being the boring lady who stares at my tepary bean plants to see if any are ready to harvest. Or it means I go to bed at 9 pm just…because. I’ve been putting out so many proposals and submissions lately which means you can also receive a ton of rejections. Sometimes, it’s hard to not let that bring you down. So, it was just such a lovely surprise to find out that somebody out there loves a thing I made in the world.
So if you want to get the BEST cactus map in ALL of Phoenix (and other fun cactus stuff), be sure to check out my shop!